This exhibition takes place at the National Museum in Krakow. The exhibition shows the works of Olga Boznanśka. Olga Boznanśka was a Polish painter who was born in 1865 and died in 1940.
Boznanśka is one of the most outstanding and unique Polish painters and her art works represents the Polish art everywhere. The exhibition shows more than 137 paintings of the artist but visitors also have the chance to get a closer look at 20 other paintings and art works of painters on the turn of the 20th century. The 20 paintings also includes the painters who inspired Boznanśka in her work. The exhibition shows the most beautiful paintings of her which made her world wide known. Along side the museum also displays art works of Boznanśka which has never been exhibited in Krakow before. At the exhibition you can explore on Polish art and its most famous painters along side with the contemporary painters of that time. The exhibition Olga Boznanśka is held at the National Museum of Krakow. The exhibition is shown from 25th October 2014 to 1st February 2015. The entrance to the exhibition is for PLN 17 for adults, PLN 10 for students, children and senior citizens.
For more information on the exhibition and the museum click on the following site.