The Sukiennice is the most famous object maybe in all of Krakow. Though it feels hard to remember the name, Sukiennice, it is a place all tourists drop by. It is located in the middle of the Main Market Square in Krakow. Some visit the Sukiennice to shop, while others visit to grab hold of some medieval atmosphere. During the golden age in the 15th century this was the place were people came to trade spices, silk, leather and wax.
Throughout history several celebrities has visited Sukiennice, and in 2002 Prince Charles of England dropped by.
The prices inside are quite nice, and though you might find the products inside the Sukiennice cheaper in shops some 250-500 meters away, the prices are still not much higher. It is a nice experience to walk around in there and if you are desperate in need for some typical Krakow thing to bring home and you only have five minutes left, you will for sure find something in the Sukiennice.
In the upper floor of the Sukiennice you can find a little part of the Polish National Museum.
Sukiennice pictures: