Recommended Krakow hotels

Krakow Hotels
Krakow Hotels

Here are some hotel recommendations for you if you are coming to Krakow in the near future. These have nice prices and most of them have very good location as well! If you visit London instead, read about London musicals!

Five stars
Palac Bonerowski
Sheraton Krakow

Four stars
Hotel Amber
Antique Apartments Plac Szczepański

Three stars
Hotel Senacki
Hotel Wyspianski

Good hotels in Krakow this autumn

Good hotels in Krakow this autumn
Good hotels in Krakow this autumn

Autumn has arrived to Krakow and the winter is soon around the corner. If you are coming to Krakow nowadays we have some nice hotel recommendations for you. The hotels mentioned are well located in the center of Krakow, and some of them have great offers currently on their hotel rooms.

It wan’t get better than this in Krakow
Apartamentz Bracka 6
Sheraton Krakow Hotel
Palac Bonerowski

Great stuff, but not among the very best
Kazimierz Secret
Camea Hotel

We wish you a pleasant stay in Krakow!

Hotel recommendations in April

April has come to Krakow and a bunch of tourists are coming to town. Hotels are already getting filled, so it isn’t always to easy to find a free room in your favorite hotel. Below you can find a list though with some hotel recommendations for April in Krakow

Recommended hotels in Krakow in April

Grand Hotel

Hotel Unicus
Venetian House Market Square Aparthotel

Hotel Amber
Hotel Wawel